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Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning was established in 2022. It included several Departments of the Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture and some new ones. As a result, educational activity of the Institute is conducted at 5 Departments that actively interact with each other and with other MGSU departments.

The establishment of a new Institute contributes to the development of educational fields of architectural profile due to the high demand for specialists, increasing research level in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning, developing new fields of graduate and postgraduate studies.

Over 1,700 students study at the Institute in the following majors:

· «Architecture» (Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Ph.D. programs),

· «Reconstruction and
Restoration of Architectural Heritage» (Bachelor’s degree, Ph.D. programs),

· «Urban Planning» (Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Ph.D. programs),

· «Roadways» (Bachelor’s degree programs).

Graduate students are trained in the following fields:

2.1.11. Theory and History of Architecture, Reconstruction and Restoration of Historical and Architectural Heritage (Architecture);

2.1.12. Architecture of Buildings and Structures. Creative Concepts of Architectural Activity (Architecture);

2.1.13. Urban Planning, Rural Settlements Planning.

Over 100 representatives of scientific and pedagogical staff, including 70 Candidates and 23 Doctors of Sciences, 7 members of the RAASN (academicians, corresponding members), are currently working at the departments of the Institute. The Institute's employees are members of the specialized academic councils for the defense of dissertations operating at the University, including the Council for Urban Planning (technical Sciences). A dissertation council on architectural specialties (architecture, art history) is planned to be formed, which is facilitated by the involvement of a large number of highly qualified specialists over the past year.

Scientific research is carried out both at the departments and at the Scientific and Educational Center for Theory and History of Architecture (REC TIA), established in 2022 in the structure of the Institute, its staff is currently developing fundamental scientific research under a grant from the Russian Science Foundation.

The Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning actively conducts scientific and scientific-educational events, including student architectural competitions and international scientific conferences. Materials are being prepared for specialized scientific journals.

© 05.05.2024 | MGSU
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