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The origins of architectural and urban planning education at MGSU date back to the time of the university foundation in 1921 and earlier, when the first women's construction courses, Technical construction courses and the secondary construction school – the predecessor of MISI-MGSU, were organized in Moscow.

Architectural departments have been formed since the 1920s, merging in 1935 into the Department of Architecture of Civil and Industrial Buildings, which was headed by Prof. L.A. Serk from 1937 to 1954, Prof. V.M. Predtechenskiy from 1954 to 1978, Prof. A.K. Soloviev from 1993 to 2016. For decades, this structural unit has been honourably coping with the main task set at that time of teaching architectural disciplines to students of the construction profile, also training such specialists like architectural engineers and restoration engineers.

By the end of the last century, architectural education at the university had undergone transformation with changes in curricula and setting new training goals, as a result of which bachelors and masters were trained in the specialties of Architecture; Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage; Urban Planning. At the same time, thanks to the stable traditions and the development of the study field in MISI/MGSU, it was possible to preserve the foundations of the content side of such an architectural education, which, while preserving its artistic and humanitarian qualities, provided a complex of knowledge and skills in Engineering, Construction Technologies and Environmental Physics. A similar feature can be found in the urban planning specialty presented at the university, the academic staff of which was formed at the junction of the traditions of architecture and technical disciplines taught at the Department of Urban Construction and Economy, which at one time was called the Department of Urban Planning.

Higher education of such high quality has been particularly in demand in recent years, and graduates of our programs have ample employment opportunities. The Institute's curricula also provide educational process in some construction fields of study.

© 18.05.2024 | MGSU
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